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A Coach for all who seek 'More'!

More of Business, More of Profession, More of Life!
Make An AppointmentAbout Me

“Clients tell me they want more than average growth, they want a breakthrough. Yet often, they expect to achieve it without a new way of thinking. It’s human nature to hope for the easy answer; but in reality, business breakthroughs evolve when we ask fresh questions, challenge conventions, and reach beyond our comfort zones. Magic happens outside of your comfort zones – The question is – Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone?”

– Sanjay Kanakia –
Founder & Principal Coach
Keystone Excellence Services










Our Programs


As the world of business moves faster and gets more competitive, it is imperative for the business leaders to be more agile and on top of their game. From helping you create business plans and marketing strategies to building a high-performance team and maximizing your profits, our business coaching program is designed to help you create a strategy unique for YOUR business.

Elevate - Leadership coaching

A leader, an executive manager and any individual seeking to succeed in life plays multiple roles in their life today. Their family and teams look to them for direction, support, and inspiration and hence they need to be at the top of their game. Be it in your professional or personal life, ELEVATE- our personal leadership coaching program helps shift your mindset and equips you with tools and strategies to overcome work and life’s challenges all the while creating a safe space for deeper exploration and reflection.

Inspire - Workshops & Seminars

Continuous training and upskilling is absolutely critical in the business world. Through innovative training workshops, Sanjay ensures that the business owners and their employees get better skilled and become more productive leading to a positive impact on the business. Some of the popular workshops are Business Excellence Masterclass, SalesRICH, WinningTEAM, and Mastering Productivity among others.

About Sanjay Kanakia

Excellence catalyst

Sanjay Kanakia is a certified Executive and Business Coach from ActionCOACH, USA and the founder of Keystone Excellence Services, Pune. Sanjay aims to provide business coaching and mentoring services to enterprising individuals and growth-oriented businesses across industries and domains.

“I will help you to build a commercial, profitable enterprise that works without you!”



+91 98230 41842
